Thursday, November 12, 2009

My official website is (officially) in the works!
I gave my initial layout sketches and functional notes to Mr. J, who in turn passed them along to our coding expert Matt Lo. I have an appointment with Matt tomorrow to discuss the finer details and give him a better idea of how I want the semi-user-generated event calendar, news feeds, video and audio clip galleries, etc., to operate -- and hopefully find some ways to make his job easier.
Even considering that I've just been cut an amazing deal and this guy is saving me a lot of money, I am faced with quite a price tag.
But, regardless, it should be no problem. I talked with my good friend and fellow guitarist Richard Ramos yesterday, and in a few days' time we'll be on an errand run to venues across New York, scheduling events that we can play in order to pay for the site.
Also, another way I'm cutting cost is looking for web development tools online, so that I can format a chunk of the website myself, and copy and paste the automatically-generated code to send to Matt, so that he is spared the work of designing and writing it himself.
Here's a sneak peek at some of the web development tools I'm considering for the creation of my site's photo gallery:

Stay tuned for more updates!

1 comment:

C.M. Alvarez said...

Hey Emilio, it's Carolina. Wow, dude. You got a Blog too. Neato. I'm adding you as a friend so I can see any other updates--if that's all right with you.

I think its wicked sweet your setting up a site for your material. It's awesome. Can't wait to see it when it's done.