Saturday, January 31, 2009

"That Girl."

Yes, that one --
The one that's had me saying "I'm fine" for the past year, when I really wasn't;
The one that had me choosing my guitar over the company of my friends, writing songs;
The one that had me visiting old places, just for the sake of trying to remember what my subconscious locked away from me;
The one who left that most permanent sort of mark.
The one who had me flying and falling and hitting my head on the ceiling.

Yeah. That one. You all know I haven't hit my head on the ceiling for anyone else.

January 29th brought me back around. She told me to hit the send button, and I did, and I was finally proven wrong about everything I've held in my core for so many months.
And it feels great. It really does.
I don't mind being alone anymore. If I get to believe in something's actually alright.
Thank you. Again. I really can't say it enough.


Liz. said...

you stole my title =P

and no problem.
you're so sweet.
you always had a way with words. =].

Liz. said...

awww =]]