Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer is at an End

Well, this is it (I get the feeling I've started off several entries with those words, but I'm having trouble remembering).
School starts tomorrow. I've got to get my act straight. (I've said that a few too many times. It's slightly discouraging.)
(Am I using parentheses too much?)
(I'm sorry. I'll stop.)


Melissa said...

(Good luck.) You can and will do great. (Love you.)

PS: Are you honestly going into your SENIOR YEAR?!?!

Orlando said...

Apply yourself and all the pieces will fall into place. The school "stuff" is not a matter of "Can he do it?" Of course you can. No one doubts your POTENTIAL. Never for get that. But, yes, this is that particular juncture in your life where the rubber may rightly be said to have met the road.
Make this YOUR year!
Love always.