Thursday, December 10, 2009

Buckle Up.

The fall semester's last day of classes, and my English final. It shouldn't be much of a problem; my professor said that we can practically bring in a whole first draft for the essay, and she won't count it as cheating as long as it's in outline form.

Making the last preparations for a talent show being hosted by the QCC Music Society on Saturday. I'll be performing "I Don't Need No Doctor", playing lead guitar, with a band I tossed together (bass, keyboard, and drums), and I have a climax in mind that involves heavy use of my loop pedal; if I'm going to nail it, I need to practice my timing.

The performance. Sound check starts at noon, and runs until showtime at 2.
Outside of the Music Society's meetings every Wednesday, I haven't had any time to jam with my band (due to scheduling conflicts), but I've given them all copies of the song, and emailed them the chords and such. Hopefully they pull through. We did pretty well at the last meeting.

[next] TUESDAY
French final. I'm mostly covered for this one, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to use my spare time and over-prepare.

Psychology final. The list of material I have to study for this test is almost two pages long. Oh, joy.

It's looming on the horizon. Sure, there are a few tough stretches before I get there, but there's not really much I can do but buckle up and barrel through.

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