Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This Is It.

Well, this is it -- now that that the fall semester is over, all that's left on my agenda is the release of my website.
It's time to crank up the volume, refine my sound, get together with a few backup musicians, and start booking the EMILIOVELEZMUSIC.COM Site Release Tour!
(note: this will still take a while.)

For those interested in following my tour, I'll be booking New York City venues only (my budget doesn't allow for a tour extending to Chicago yet -- maybe next time, folks!), and I'll be sure to post a list of events when I have one ready.
The goal of the tour is to raise money for the programming fees of my website, EMILIOVELEZMUSIC.COM, and hopefully I can set everything up so that the money adds up properly and my tour ends on the site's release date.
I'll keep you all posted!

--- EV

P.S.: Be ready for a launch party when I start the tour; anyone able would be coming to the first event of the tour, with me, immediately after the party. See you then!

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