Tuesday, October 14, 2008


You're all still free to assist with A Tale of Two Princes, but I'm now very much past my Writer's Block. Turns out all I had to do was extend the beginning of the book, return to the origins, and write a six-page synopsis of the whole thing. Who knew?
On a different note, I just finished reading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell yesterday for the third time around. I think I'm going to take a vacation from reading for a while; who knows where to -- behind the sky; the other side of the rain...it's all just as well. I need some time to focus more on the Tale.
I'm beginning to think that, despite this being very early in a writing career that hasn't even taken off yet, A Tale of Two Princes will be my masterwork. I just get the feeling. This concept is so full of things that I can work with, on so many levels, that it may be the best writing I'll ever produce. And while that may seem very energizing at first, it's also very daunting to think that if, indeed, this proves true, another such work will never come from my hands again.
It's an interesting journey -- and one I fully intend to carry out to its completion. Wish me luck!

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