Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Didn't Understand

I didn't really know her. I guess that's what did this. I didn't understand.
My brother always tells me the truth at times like this, when everyone else would just tell me what I want to hear. It's good to know. Kind of hard to take, but necessary.
The thing is, I do what I do to fill the void left by my parents. I mean, your parents' marriage is your first impression of what a relationship should be, and since I grew up around a lot of conflict and distance, I try desperately to prove to myself that it isn't always like that. Every new girl I get involved with seems to have had trouble with guys who were nothing but assholes; like my brother, I have a bit of a "superhero complex"(as he put it), and so I feel the need to help her and prove to her, as well as to myself, that love can work and last.
And I keep getting proven wrong. I really don't want to be doomed to follow in my parents' footsteps and live dogged by failed and broken relationships, but at a more and more rapid clip lately it's been hitting me that maybe it's unavoidable. Maybe I'm meant to be alone. I've said it before, but never has it seemed truer.
I would give everything to not have to continue this way; to find something and be able to hold onto it.
Save me from this. Somebody.

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