Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yesterday was cool (100th POST! AWESOME!).

I met up with Mary...then Danny...then we went to Geanine's and hung out there for a bit. Mary had to leave after a while; then Danny and Geanine and I met a friend of Geanine's on the bus to College Point.
[Side note: I don't get the whole deal about "two's company, three's a crowd"; as long as they're all cool people(not the popular modern definition of "cool") , I've been fine with anything up to seven or eight.]
Once in College Point, our party's new addition had us all in stitches -- I won't go into explanation, suffice it to say that it was pretty funny. We spent way too much time sitting outside doing nothing in particular; then we all went back to Danny's.
We played WiiFit and WiiSports. We ate sour-cream-and-onion chips and marshmallows and chicken soup. We laughed; we talked some talk; I learned to put certain feelings on the back burner for the sake of comfortable chillage. It went pretty well. Then at 11, mi madre came and picked up everyone but Danny for the drive home(Geanine's mother gets this job way too often; I decided to give her a break). Now I'm looking forward to the possibility of a party next weekend.
Excuse my choppy sentences and other quirks of style today. I'm kind of tired. I stayed up way too late getting more work done on my manuscript. That aside, have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I should go now; I have to prepare for tonight's contest(who can get more stuffed: me or the turkey?).

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