Friday, November 14, 2008


Hey there. I've been told never to start anything off with an apology, but really, I think this instance calls for it. I was having a funk of a day(not the good kind of funk) the other day, when Danny told me that I had to eventually recognize when people needed breathing space, and that it would be a good idea to give them some now. So when I heard this, after a troubling day, I overreacted, as I am known to do. I lashed out, pretty much at everyone around me, and swore to withdraw from social activities until "Monday-ish" (as I called it when talking to Geanine). For this, I want to apologize. I'm extremely sorry for not handling things with the care and sensitivity that they called for.
But I've spent the past few days in a sort of cocoon, and undergone a slight metamorphosis. I read "The Little Prince"(yes, the children's book; but it is conceptually genius, and I recommend it to anyone who can find an hour of freedom to read it). I listened to old Something Corporate songs(this has always helped me in tough spots). I bought a copy of "Chinese Takeout" by Arthur Nersesian, since I lost my old one, and highlighted all my favorite lines, and listened to the soundtrack I assembled for it last year. I played guitar. I slept and ate and drank coffee.
More importantly: I thought. Hard. And I realized a few things, and I'm feeling more comfortable with my situation now. So again, I wanted to apologize to you folks for how much of a jerk or a pain in the ass I may have seemed this past week. I'm not quite together, but I'm getting there. I just hope that you'll bear with me.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

A poignant apology, little brother. I hope a reconciliation between you and your friends is only a foreshadowing of good things to come within our family. Love you.