Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Scene from "A Feeling Like Home" (which will probably be edited out anyway)

I had always missed those Where's Waldo? books. I could spend hours hunting for the guy. It made me wonder: how can some dude in striped clothes, wearing a hat and carrying a cane, be so hard to find?

So, to make things easier for everyone else, I went out and got the clothes and the cane so I could be Waldo for Halloween.

I was waiting on Megan's bed, because she had snuck into the bathroom with a load of makeup and some clothes and I had no idea what she was going to come out as.

Besides, I just liked Megan's bed. First of all, it was so comfortable I could swear I'd just died and gone to heaven. Second, it gave a great view of her room: the twisted mural on her ceiling, full of different scenes flowing into one another; the splash of black paint on her wall that she altered so that it looked like some sort of flaming tiger; her desk, crammed with scribbled notes from school and random sketches; and her backpack in the corner, with sketchbooks spilling out. Her room was an instant high, a supernova of sensory overload. It's why none of us did drugs. We just came over to Megan's house and sat in her room for a bit.

Then she came out, and at first I thought she was someone from an old movie: she had on white gloves, a black-and-white striped shirt, black pants, black shoes, and her face was painted all white. Then I spotted the beret, and the black eyeliner making her eyes stand out.

She shrugged and smiled.

"What?" I laughed.

She zipped her lips.

"A mime?"

Then she shrieked and jumped on me. "He got it! He got it! Waldo got it!" After we both got our laughs out, she cleared her throat and stepped back. "I've got to get into character," she explained.

I just stood up and kissed her. I didn't know what else to do or say. It was that cute.

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